Recruiting 2024
Are you already a mechanical wizard or just in the beginning of your journey to automotive world? Either way Metropolia Motorsport can provide you new challenges or even totally new skills and experiences that will give you edge in this highly competitive industry. We have a spot for everyone from financials to designing and manufacturing to simulations. All we need is someone who is curious, motivated and enthusiastic. Maybe you are just the one who we are searching for?
Below you find more information about applying!
Information Events
More information will be announced our socials. So stay tuned!
Application timeline
Recruitment is open until 20.10.2024
Fill the application vie the link: Application
We will contact you via email once the application period ends
Eligibility requirements
Being a full-time student of a university or a university of applied sciences
Being at least 18 years old if you are considering attending the competitions
We are looking for
Students willing to give time and effort for the project
No previous experience or knowledge is needed as long as you are motivated and enthusiastic
Students willing to commit for the project for at least one full season
Students able to communicate in English
What you gain from us
Get friends for life within the team and around the globe
Gain valuable skills and experiences with different software tools and machines some of which are not taught during your regular classes
Contacts for your future career
Possibility to forward your education and get ECTS, participate in summer competitions
Learn more about
Recruitments for this season has ended. We will be back next year!
Mean while you can,